When you're diagnosed with coronary heart disease, it's important to start treatment immediately to prevent further complications. Treatment will help you avoid the eventual complications of heart disease. Many patients with heart disease find it easier to take medications and come to check-ups than to make personal lifestyle changes. A permanent lifestyle change, however, can be the most effective defense you have against further health problems. Here's why lifestyle changes make such a difference when it comes to heart health.
Smoking harms nearly all of your organs, but it also causes and exacerbates coronary heart disease because of the damage it does to your blood vessels. Atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the arteries, accelerates in people who smoke because of inflammation and weakening of the vessels. Even if you only smoke once in a while or experience second-hand smoke from a family member, the damage to your circulatory system is still profound. When your doctor recommends stopping all smoking, you should do everything possible to do so.
Another contributor to heart disease complications is alcohol. Your doctor may not completely discourage all beverages, but heavy alcohol consumption increases blood pressure. When you have coronary heart disease, your blood pressure is already high due to the narrowing of your blood vessels. Partaking in alcohol only makes the blood pressure problem more severe. Also, alcohol consumption raises your cholesterol levels, furthering atherosclerosis.
"Diet" is a four-letter-word for many, but it is the area that can make the most difference in your prognosis. Changing your eating habits is challenging, because it requires cooking and buying differently, and your tastes have adapted to particular flavors and textures. Tastes can be restrained. Your heart-healthy diet should mostly consist of:
Of course, along with the above recommendations, it's best to avoid fried foods of all varieties, and to eat fatty treats sparingly—even those with touted heath benefits, like dark chocolate or nuts.
Exercise will help to remove fatty build up in your arteries because is raises your HDL cholesterol levels (that's the good kind). Exercise also strengthens your heart, allowing your resting heart rate and blood pressure to trend lower. Your heart will pump more blood with fewer beats, reducing the stress to your cardiovascular system when you're not working out. If exercise seems daunting, remember that even walking is suitable exercise until you reach greater fitness. Your doctor can direct you on exercise suitable for your fitness level.
Share2 December 2016
I have struggled with allergies my entire life, and my health issues kept me from enjoying playgrounds and outdoor sports like the other kids. When my daughter started to sniffle and sneeze when she turned seven, I knew that I didn't want to stop my child from experiencing a fulfilling childhood. After a meeting with an allergist and a blood test, I found out that my daughter was allergic to pollen during the spring, summer, and fall months. I decided to allow my daughter to start shot therapy. While my daughter built up an immunity to the allergens, I decided to lessen symptoms by using natural health techniques. I found a variety of options online. Unfortunately, I had to weed through a great deal of information to find out what worked and what didn't. Let my research and trials guide you, so you can find out what really works.