What is your greatest fear? Although you might lose sleep over that missed promotion or health scare, research has shown that your elderly parent might fear losing their independence more than death. Fortunately, independent living facilities can give your mom or dad the help they need without making them feel inferior. Here are three ways senior living facilities encourage independence, so that your parent can live a fuller life:
1: Helping When Seniors Need It, Not When They Don't
Unlike nursing homes, which tend to feel a little institutional, independent living facilities typically contain either freestanding homes or apartments where seniors can have their own space. Instead of being watched over and smothered, your parent can enjoy their place and get together with friends when they want to. However, if they need a little assistance, independent living employees are there to help with tasks like:
The best part about living in a retirement community is that this type of care is available when your parent needs it, and service can always be refused. If your mom or dad feels like taking a nap instead of embarking on the community grocery store trip, they can.
2: Encouraging Healthy Habits
When seniors focus on their health, they can avoid a slew of medical complications and stay independent. In fact, remaining fit has been found to limit osteoporosis, decrease depression rates, improve joint flexibility, and even reduce slip and fall risks. Because of these benefits, retirement communities encourage healthy habits by offering fun and helpful activities, such as:
Because your parent's mental health is important too, many independent living facilities have on-site therapists for residents to talk with when they need a pick-me-up. You might not always be available to check in on your mom or dad, but with the help of an independent living facility, you can keep your parent healthy and happy.
3: Hosting Social Gatherings
Believe it or not, having friends is important for your parent's continued independence. In fact, studies have shown that people with large networks of friends live longer than people who don't interact much with other people. Some researchers suspect that friends discourage bad habits like overeating or drinking, which can shorten people's lives. Independent health facilities encourage friendships by offering activities like:
By encouraging your parent to live in an independent living facility, you might be able to help them to stay healthier and enjoy their life as a senior citizen.
Share13 March 2015
I have struggled with allergies my entire life, and my health issues kept me from enjoying playgrounds and outdoor sports like the other kids. When my daughter started to sniffle and sneeze when she turned seven, I knew that I didn't want to stop my child from experiencing a fulfilling childhood. After a meeting with an allergist and a blood test, I found out that my daughter was allergic to pollen during the spring, summer, and fall months. I decided to allow my daughter to start shot therapy. While my daughter built up an immunity to the allergens, I decided to lessen symptoms by using natural health techniques. I found a variety of options online. Unfortunately, I had to weed through a great deal of information to find out what worked and what didn't. Let my research and trials guide you, so you can find out what really works.