You Probably Don't Know The Health Benefits Of These 3 Plants You Can Forage For Yourself

Health & Medical Articles

There are thousands of wild plants in the world that offer health benefits and even healing abilities to those who consume them. Unfortunately, many of the benefits of these plants go vastly unknown because they aren't promoted by mainstream doctors or pharmaceutical companies. The people who are taking advantage of these natural illness-preventatives and remedies usually only become aware of them upon pursuing their own research on holistic medicine, or having the plants recommended to them by an apothecary from a site like

Here are 3 healing power-packed edibles that you don't need to be kept in the dark about; all of them offer amazing health benefits and grow abundantly in most regions of the United States.


Yeah, you know this plant... and you probably hate it. Most people avidly declare their dislike of this highly invasive weed. They wouldn't, though, if they knew all the good it could do for them; those who are in-the-know have been using dandelion for years to ward off cancer, fight diabetes, cleanse their liver, and even lower their blood pressure!

The plant is rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidants that captures dangerous free radicals in your body and prevents them from mutating healthy cells.

Dandelion is also high in fiber, making it a diuretic. Diuretics help stimulate the liver and flush out all of the sugars and fats that can affect the body's insulin production.

Furthermore, this wonderful weed is rich in calcium -- the most important nutrient in maintaining strong bones. 


Leeks are lesser-known than dandelions, but pack just as many health benefits as the little yellow flowers do. This plant contains a sulfuric compound called allicin, and allicin happens to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal powers. 

Allicin also neutralizes free radicals. In fact, it neutralizes them faster than any other compound in existence. 

Finally, leeks are high in kaempferol, a flavonol that has been proven by research studies to help deter cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Leeks are the first ground plant to emerge on the forest floor in the spring. They grow in clusters, with all leaves emerging directly from the ground. Each leek should have 3 bright green, smooth leaves -- you'll know you've found the right plant when you pick it and it gives off a strong garlicky-odor.

Leeks love moisture, and they love shade, so use this information to guide your search.

Morel Mushrooms

Morel mushrooms are highly prized in the holistic medicine world for 2 main reasons - their iron, and their vitamin D. Iron helps your body store the oxygen it needs, and is sometimes needed for antioxidants to effectively stabilize free radicals. Morel mushrooms are so super-rich in iron that it takes just 1 cup of them for a full-grown adult man to get all of it he needs in a day. Women have higher iron need, so they'll need to eat about 2 1/2 cups to fulfill their daily nutritional requirement.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, and works to regulate blood pressure. Unfortunately, your body's primary source of vitamin D is sunshine, and it's pretty difficult to find any kind of food that contains this important nutrient. One food that does offer up a hefty dose of vitamin D, though, is mushrooms -- and according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, morels are one of the best deliverers. 

Look for morel mushrooms in the spring as soon as the ground begins to thaw. You'll find them at the base of ash, elm, sycamore, and apple trees.

To identify morel, look for a white mushroom with a honeycomb-shaped cap. The length of the cap should be longer than the length of the stem, and when sliced in half, morels should be completely hollow from top to bottom. Be careful! Many wild mushrooms are dangerous, so seek the help of a professional when identifying them. If you have a local apothecary, they can help you verify the species, or ask a local University science department to check them out.

If you're looking for a natural way to improve your health, don't underestimate the power of the above 3 plants. While they're not advertised by doctors or pharmaceutical companies, they offer amazing health benefits and a chemical-free way to improve your overall well-being. Best of all, when harvested from the wild, they're absolutely free and loads of fun to scout for.


18 September 2014

Natural Allergy Relief - Find Out What Really Works

I have struggled with allergies my entire life, and my health issues kept me from enjoying playgrounds and outdoor sports like the other kids. When my daughter started to sniffle and sneeze when she turned seven, I knew that I didn't want to stop my child from experiencing a fulfilling childhood. After a meeting with an allergist and a blood test, I found out that my daughter was allergic to pollen during the spring, summer, and fall months. I decided to allow my daughter to start shot therapy. While my daughter built up an immunity to the allergens, I decided to lessen symptoms by using natural health techniques. I found a variety of options online. Unfortunately, I had to weed through a great deal of information to find out what worked and what didn't. Let my research and trials guide you, so you can find out what really works.